Development i:medtasim

TriCAT news

TriCAT developed i:medtasim as a project partner of the program Digital Media in Vocational Education and Training (DIMEBB2) from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund of the EU funded research project EPICSAVE (Enhanced ParamedIC vocational training with Serious games And Virtual Environmets) as a “spin-off product”.

Video to Epicsave

Project partners were the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering in Kaiserslautern, the Malteser Bildungszentrum HRS, the Akademie für Notfallmedizin Hansestadt Hamburg, the Hannover University of Applied Sciences, the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, and TriCAT GmbH Ulm. The advisory board included high-ranking representatives of various associations from medicine, emergency services and health insurance companies, as well as experts in the field of electronic learning and digital games.

“With the help of innovative media technologies in EPICSAVE, we can measurably expand training in medicine. The fact that this approach is now successfully finding its way into education and training centers shows the great potential of applied research collaborations.”

Prof. Dr. Jonas Schild, Consortium Leader project EPICSAVE

The EPICSAVE project is one of the 100 innovative prize winners of 2017 in the innovation competition “Excellent Landmarks in the Land of Ideas”. In line with the competition motto “Think openly – so that new things can unfold”, EPICSAVE showed how a willingness to experiment, curiosity and the courage to rethink can lead to forward-looking innovations in the training of emergency paramedics.

Opinions about EPICSAVE

“The special thing about EPICSAVE is that really different professions have participated, so emergency paramedics, media didacticians and people from the education sector and technicians were brought together and it is an example of how we can really make a meaningful and good project from funds that we get at BIBB from the EU and the ministry.”

Prof. Dr. M. Heister, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training

“We’re creating a training environment here where you can actually work collaboratively, meaning as a team, with a plethora of emergency medical images and also actions […] to perfectly adapt to cases that you wouldn’t otherwise experience or experience too infrequently.”

Private Teacher Dr. med. Thomas Luiz, Fraunhofer IESE

“EPICSAVE simply has the advantage that you can completely immerse yourself in the case study. You don’t have any or hardly any outside influences, by having the glasses on and only seeing what’s relevant in the scenario, and you’re just more on your own and you just have to be sure of what you’re doing.”

Stephanie D., Trainee emergency paramedic, Malteser Wetzlar

“With the aim of qualitatively improving the professional training of prospective emergency paramedics, a practice-oriented simulation training was developed in the project. The result of close cooperation in the consortium is a realistic virtual world, thought out in every detail, in which life-threatening emergencies can be trained without danger.”

Nadja Dietze, DLR project sponsor

“The biggest advantage that I personally see in this type of simulation is that it is relatively easy to change the framework conditions during the simulation itself. The team acts quickly, in a goal-oriented manner, and the patient’s condition improves optimally, or a team does not act correctly or in a goal-oriented manner, not quickly, not adequately enough, in which case the patient’s condition would deteriorate further, and I can simulate that wonderfully with this virtual emergency training.”

Claus Kemp, Head of Malteser Training Center Wetzlar

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Dominik Wichmann | Business Unit Manager Medicine / Healthcare | TriCAT GmbH

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