Second i:medtasim® User Conference

Exclusively for i:medtasim® project partners and users

Dear i:medtasim® project partners and users,

We cordially invite you to our 2nd virtual i:medtasim® user conference.

Join us again for our valuable exchange and learn from the experiences of our i:medtasim® experts and the other participants. Not only look forward to news from TriCAT on the highly immersive multi-user VR learning environment i:medtasim®, but also benefit from the presentations of our colleagues and partners on current topics.

Deep Dive -in the afternoon, workshops will be held in which you can actively engage with like-minded people on two key topics.

Learning from others and talking to others about what you do yourself in the field of teaching and VR – this will be the motto of the 2nd i:medtasim® user conferences again this year.

Online – In 2023 you can once again experience the event live as an avatar from your home office! All presentations will be broadcast including chat and digital exchange via our 3D learning and working environment TriCAT spaces®.

We hope you enjoy discovering the program and look forward to your registration!

You can’t miss this –

Intensive talks with our experts

Meet the people who know our software best: our employees. The experts will take the time to talk to you, so you can get expert answers to all your questions.

The user conference is all about your topics. That’s why our speakers have presentations that also address your issues. There is guaranteed to be the right thing for you.

Technical presentations on your topics

Innovations and exclusive insights

Discover which innovations are waiting for you in our i:medtasim® product world. The focus is particularly on developments for other medical professional groups.

Meet many other and new i:medtasim® users. Exchange ideas with each other and learn how they deal with similar challenges.

Valuable exchange – benefit from one another

Conference program 2023

9:00 – 9:30Welcome and introduction of the development partners and end usersMarkus Neuberger
Dominik Wichmann

9:30 – 10:00News from TriCAT
New developments for i:medtasim®
Markus Neuberger
Dominik Wichmann

10:00 – 10:15Breakall
10:15 – 10:45News from PICO – VR glassesRob Pereira
Sales Director DACH + NL
PICO Enterprise
10:45 – 11:15The creation of a virtual patient avatarHoang Nguyen
3D Artist
11:15 – 11:45Presentation of the course “Trainer in simulation with VRSebastian Sachs
Project Leader
Malteser Bildungszentrum HRS
11:45 – 12:00Questions & AnswersMarkus Neuberger
12:00 – 12:45Lunch breakall
12:45 – 13:00Division into 2 workshop groups and presentation of topicsMarkus Neuberger
Dominik Wichmann
13:00 – 14:00WorkshopsGroup 1 and 2
14:00 – 14:15Breakall
14:15 – 15:00Presentation of workshop resultsGroup 1 and 2
15:00 – 15:30Summary and farewellMarkus Neuberger
Dominik Wichmann
15:00 – 16:00Virtual get-togetherall
Program for the 2nd i:medtasim® user conference, 18.10.2023, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., online


free registration until 16.10.2023

(exclusive for project partners and users)

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