TriCAT is a prize winner

Thinking openly: TriCAT in Ulm is “Excellent Place” 2017

The EPICSAVE project of TriCAT GmbH (member of the EPICSAVE Research Project Consortium) is one of the 100 innovative award winners of this year in the innovation competition “Excellent Places in the Land of Ideas”. According to the competition motto “Thinking open – so that something new can unfold”, EPICSAVE demonstrates how exciting ideas, inquisitiveness and courage to rethink can lead to pioneering innovations in the training of emergency paramedics. The initiative “Germany – Land of Ideas” and Deutsche Bank have been jointly organizing the competition for twelve years.

A top class judging panel selected the EPICSAVE project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), from around 1000 submitted applications. “In our project, we are developing and testing a novel training approach for emergency patients with the aim of making life-threatening, but too rare emergencies such as the allergic shock in children practically workable,” explains project leader in the research project consortium Prof. Dr. Jonas Shield of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. “The emergency paramedics personnel to be trained are immersed in a virtual environment in which they can be confronted with virtual patients. The learning experience is strengthened by linking motivational approaches from the computer world with the theoretical training content.”

Openness has potential

We are very pleased with the diversity and wealth of ideas offered by ”Excellent Places” in 2017. They show how lively and creative the innovation landscape is here – Germany is and remains the land of ideas,” says Christian Sewing, Deutsche Bank Executive Board member, offering his congratulations to the new prizewinners.

Dieter Kempf, President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), says: “Openness is the opposite of protectionism. When we are open, we think across borders and avoid obstacles – and innovation and progress thrive. The 100 prize-winners show this in an impressive way and are thus exemplary for Germany as a whole.”

Information about the competition

“Germany – Land of Ideas” is the joint location initiative of the Federal Government and the German economy, represented by the BDI. Since 2006, Deutsche Bank has been a partner and sponsor of the “Excellent Places in the Land of Ideas” competition. The goal is to make Germany’s innovations visible at home and abroad and to strength its economic performance and viability.

The project EPICSAVE

Further Awards of TriCAT

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