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For event guests – Welcome!

You have been or will be invited to a major event in the virtual 3D world TriCAT spaces Congress. Here you will find preliminary information about TriCAT spaces Congress as well as step-by-step instructions on how to join and navigate the congress room.

1. Technical Check l Upfront the event

In order for you to be able to participate in the virtual event in a relaxed way, you will be invited to a technology check via e-mail system invitation from TriCAT. You will enter a virtual 3D room where you have full avatar interactivity.

Please participate with headset & microphone.

About the system requirements.

2. Invitation email l Account activation

In your invitation email, please click on “Confirm participation”. You will be redirected to a landing page. From there you can optionally activate your account.

Advantage of account activation: you can join any subsequent event with your email address + personal password and upload a profile picture.

3. Enter event

In your e-mail invitation you will find a download link to download the software and a web link. Please be sure to use this download or web link, as each event is based on a separate version of the TriCAT spaces® Congress software.

In the main menu you can choose an avatar and customize it according to your wishes.

4. Guest access code

If you do not wish to activate your account, please use the guest access code from your email invitation to enter the event. You will receive another guest access code for the main event. After account activation, it will become invalid or redundant.

5. Spectator role in congress room

Unlike the technology check, you first enter the convention room at the main event. There you are in the spectator role and cannot (yet) control your avatar freely.

Via the Event Plan button, you join the parallel events or the breakout sessions from the congress room. There you are immediately in the avatar you have previously selected and enjoy full interactivity. You can speak freely, move freely and interact with objects as well as other participants.

View into the congress room

Step by step guide

In the main menu l After download

  1. Login with the guest access code from your invitation.
  2. If you have extended your account, please log in with your email address + personal password.
  3. Go through the tutorial
    Menu item: >First Steps > Tutorial: Your Avatar
    You exit the tutorial with >ESC

  4. Join the event
    Menu item: >Events

  5. For the main event, please select the convention room first.
    In the convention room, you are in the spectator role with limited avatar interactivity for now.

Spectator role in the congress room | Functions & Features

Look around and change perspective
Hold down the left mouse button and move.

Change position/perspective
Via arrow keys on your keyboard.

Menu Button
Open and close the options menu.

Report with hand symbol
The organizers will be informed about your notification.

Text Chat
Send messages directly to the organizers or to all.

Your microphone is muted in the congress room
The organizers can release you for requests to speak.

Media Walls | Operation in the congress room

Open/enlarge Media Walls
by left-clicking on the desired Media Wall.

Set the maximum size of the Media Wall by left-clicking the window icon in the upper right corner of the opened Media Wall.

Zoom into a document
via the slider at the bottom left of the open Media Wall.

Variable sizing of the Media Wall with handle in the lower right corner of the open Media Wall.

Change to a parallel event | Breakout session

Button Event-Plan
Left-click in the options menu to open the event plan and independently switch to a parallel event or breakout session.

In the breakout session/parallel event | full avatar interactivity.

In the parallel sessions you have your own avatar, can immediately speak freely, move freely and interact with objects. It is also possible to switch between the breakout sessions and back to the congress room.

We hope you enjoy your event!

You want to organize an event yourself?

Learn more about TriCAT spaces® Congress.