You can easily create sessions and invite participants in the web portal. Please first clarify in your company whether an organizer account already exists for your company to ensure that all persons in a company are only assigned to one unique organizer account and that several organizer accounts do not exist in parallel.
Case A) An organizer account already exists for your company
Ask the so-called “managing user” (the person who created your company’s organizer account) to add you to their account under “Organizer accesses”. In the next step, you will receive an email asking you to create an account.
You can find out more here.
Case B) There is no organizer account for your company yet
- Clarify within your company who should be registered as the managing user.
- This person has insight into all transactions and can upload credits independently. Um verwaltender Benutzer zu werden, registrieren Sie sich neu im Webportal